Volunteer Program at North Shore Private Hospital
Volunteer Program Mission Statement
“To provide an opportunity for community involvement within our organisation and raise awareness of the services we provide to our community.”
Who can volunteer? (You must be over 18 years of age to volunteer)
- People who have some available spare time and who wish to help others
- People with a happy, enthusiastic approach to life
- People who enjoy chatting or being with others
- People who enjoy being part of a team
- People who care about others
- People who want to make a difference
What are the benefits of volunteering?
- Volunteers work as valued members of the team
- Volunteers share and learn skills and abilities
- Volunteers meet new people and build friendships
- Volunteers enrich the world of others whilst enriching their own
- Free parking for volunteer shifts
How do I become a volunteer?
Contact North Shore Private Hospital’s Volunteer Coordinator, Emma Clarke on: 8425 3037, or email: clarkeemma@ramsayhealth.com.au.
You will be asked to come to the Hospital to meet with us to talk about:
- Your interest in volunteering
- What you hope to gain from your volunteer experience
- Your preferred area of service
- Your available time and how we can best help you to become part of the North Shore Volunteer family
What are some of the jobs that volunteers can do?
- Assisting with enquiries at Main Reception
- Escorting patients from Reception
- Collation of files
- Data entry
- Making up Patient Information Packs
- Scanning and Filing
You can be assigned to one area of the Hospital or choose a volunteer job that takes you to a number of areas completing a variety of jobs.