North Shore Private Hospital
Part of Ramsay Health Care

Before your admission

Our dedicated team of professional staff are committed to providing you with the highest standards of care from pre admission to discharge.

To ensure we can confirm your admission, financial and other arrangements, we ask that you:

  1. Fill in the online admission form, or
  2. Complete an Admission Information Booklet, available from your doctor or from the hospital, and send it to us as soon as possible.
    You will need the following information to complete these forms:
    1. Personal/Next of Kin details
    2. Medicare Card
    3. Funding details (eg DVA, Private health insurance, workcover or self funding)
    4. Benefit details (eg pharmacy benefit card or pension card)
    5. Item numbers and any information about prosthetics and disposables if you have been advised of these by your doctor
    6. Email address
Keeping on your feet in hospital Hand Hygiene Pressure Injury Prevention IV Cannula
Falls Prevention Hand Hygiene Pressure Injury Prevention IV Cannula
Preventing Blood Clots VTE Consumer fact sheet Charter of Healthcare Rights The Ramsay Rule
Preventing Blood Clots VTE Consumer Charter of Healthcare Rights The Ramsay Rule
 Mistakes can happen with your medicines  Patient Information Receiving Antibiotics in Hospital    
Mistakes can happen
with your medicines
Patient Information Receiving
Antibiotics in Hospital

Checking your health fund cover

Please contact your health fund to confirm your cover as soon as possible. Depending on your insurer and your level of cover, you may have out of pocket expenses (such as excess or copayment etc). All costs need to be paid prior to admission.


Ask your doctor about your medications and what to take before and during your hospital stay.

Confirming your admission time

Our staff will contact you on the business day prior to your admission to confirm your details and provide information about your admission time and fasting (if applicable), from 13:30pm. If you have not been contacted by 19:00pm, please call 02 8425 3000.

Your doctor may ask you to attend our Pre admission clinic. To make an appointment, please call 02 8425 3949.

The purpose of the pre admission clinic visit is to:

  • Obtain a thorough medical and surgical history and review medications
  • Conduct blood tests, X-rays, ECG and other investigations
  • Have relevant allied health professionals, such as dietician, physiotherapist or stoma therapist, assess your needs
  • Provide information about the surgical procedure and recovery process
  • Arrange for your discharge home or to rehabilitation
  • Understand your needs and answer your questions

If you are scheduled to attend, please bring with you:

  • A list of your current medications
  • Current X-rays
  • Doctors’ letters
  • Past medical history from your general practitioner

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