North Shore Private Hospital
Part of Ramsay Health Care

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Your Stay

All the information you need
before the big day!

Your Stay

“It is a privilege to share in the beginning of a new life and to help parents get off to the best possible start of their parenting journey. Every Mother has her own story, every Mother and baby is a unique pair. We are here to guide and assist in the beginning. As time goes by the parents will build their confidence and know their baby better than anyone else”
says Margaret Pitts, Midwife for over 30 years.

Our Maternity Ward welcomes your family to join you to share this special time with you.

We provide full room service for all meals, including a special supper menu. Menus are provided each morning from which you may select meals according to your taste and dietary requirements. If you have any special dietary needs, please check with our staff before ordering your meals to ensure that we meet your requirements.

Meals are served at the following times:
Breakfast 7:00am
Morning tea 10:00am
Lunch 12:00pm
Afternoon tea 3:00pm
Dinner 5:30pm
Supper 8:00pm

Meals are available for visitors for lunch and dinner at an additional cost. Should you wish to order additional visitor’s meals, please contact the hospital front reception in the foyer. Bookings for lunch should be made before 10:30am and for dinner before 4:00pm.

To celebrate the new addition to your family, our chef has created a celebration dinner menu. We invite you and your partner, or guest, to join you for this specially created dinner for two. Your Celebration Dinner is served in the privacy of your room. This dinner is served at 6:30pm.

Celebration dinner

The benefits derived from constant interaction with your new baby are increased when mother and baby room in during the period immediately following birth. Research has shown that rooming in enhances the bond between mother and baby. This results in mothers feeling more confident with their new baby and is also beneficial for achieving success with breast feeding. Staff offer guidance in caring for and settling your baby in preparation for life at home. This process is hastened when babies room in with their mothers during their stay with us.

You will also be assigned a paediatrician at birth and they will examine your baby soon after birth, during the stay in hospital and on day of discharge.

In addition to providing breastfeeding classes to all new parents on the ward, our lactation consultants are available should you require additional support breastfeeding your baby. Further support is available after you leave hospital should you require it.

Our staff are available to help you establish alternate feeding if you wish to enhance the joy and closeness you will feel with your baby. While you are in hospital, our maternity staff will assist you in learning to prepare formula, sterilize bottles and equipment and bottle feed your baby.

“Our women’s health physiotherapists are available to support you during your hospital stay. Physiotherapy treatment focuses on maintaining and restoring normal function, minimising dysfunction and improving quality of life. Both in room physiotherapy and group classes are available at North Shore Private through Ramsay Health Plus. Speak to your midwife during your stay to access these services.

Group class times are offered along with High Tea in our Patient Lounge. View class times here

The arrival of a new child is an exciting time but it can also have a significant impact on your body. Your own physical and mental wellbeing are important. Make an appointment during your stay with us, with an experienced and qualified massage therapist.

Massage is available during your stay in the privacy of your suite at a cost of $60/30 minutes. Ph: (02)8425-3466

“As a full time Midwife at North Shore Private I can see the same new parents for over 4 to 5 days, sometimes longer. This allows me the opportunity to encourage, educated and support new parents and watch them begin to transition to being a more confident parent”
says Carmel Wilkie, Midwife for 6 years.

Postnatal education is available during your stay. Classes include settling and going home with your baby, breastfeeding, physio and bathing your baby.

Download class times

The Special Care Nursery at North Shore Private Hospital is a Level 2 nursery that is able to provide care for babies born from 32 weeks. The Special Care Nursery Staff are all highly qualified registered nurses and midwives who specialise in the care of babies requiring extended specialist care. Six paediatricians are on staff, one of whom is on-call twenty-four hours a day.

Our nursery, provides a spacious area where we are able to supervise you bathing your baby and where some of our education classes take place such as bathing, settling and discharge home talks. The nursery is available for your use overnight if you choose. To leave your baby in the nursery for any time, you will be asked to sign baby in and out with a staff member, your baby identification bracelets will be checked at this time. If your baby wakes for a feed, you will be phoned and asked to come to the nursery to collect your baby to feed. This ensures you are awake for the feed, which helps with correct attachment. If you have had a Caesarean section on the first night staff will bring the baby to you.

For Maternity, visiting hours are between 2-4pm and 6-8pm. Your partner (support person) is allowed with you in the ward at all times.

Visitors must:

  • Be asymptomatic
  • Wear a mask during the visit
  • Not have COVID-19, or have tested positive to COVID-19 in the previous 7 days.

When leaving North Shore Private Hospital, we ask that you vacate your room by 9.30am. Discharge day for a normal vaginal birth follows the fourth night; for a caesarean section birth discharge day follows the fifth night. You will need to arrange follow up visits with your obstetrician and your paediatrician when you go home.

  • Child Restraints - Australian Standards. Please ensure that you have an approved child restraint fitted in your vehicle before taking your baby home. It is required by law that babies be in an
    approved restraint when travelling by car and it is also recommended that any safety restraint be installed at an authorised fitting station. Information about the nearest fitting station can be advised by the RTA at

  • Early Childhood Health Centre - The Early Childhood Health Service is provided by nurses with training and experience in child and family health nursing as part of your state’s community health services. The service provides free advice, support and management regarding parenting issues, particularly baby’s feeding and sleeping problems as well as immunisation information. Your first visit requires an appointment, your midwife will advise you in hospital how to make contact with the Early Childhood Health Centre.