This education program is recommended for first time parents, or as a refresher for those who need it. The program will prepare you emotionally and physically for pregnancy, labour, birth and your early parenting experience. Our educators aim to ensure you and your partner feel confident and informed about pregnancy, labour and parenting. The childbirth and parenting education program works through a number of topics, these include labour preparation, parenting and breastfeeding.
NB: if you are unsure of your method of delivery, caesarean births will be covered in this program.
Optional formats include:
4 week course held every Tuesday
2 Day Consecutive Saturday Program 9.00am-1.15pm
$400.00 per couple (Benefits may apply from your health fund)
What is covered in the Labour Classes?
- When to come to hospital
- What to bring to hospital
- Stages of Labour
- Normal vaginal delivery
- Caesarean Section
- Role of the support person
- Positions for Labour
- Pain Relief options
- Induction of Labour
What is covered in the Parenting Classes?
- Care of Mother and Baby after birth
- What to expect in the first few days
- The anatomy and physiology of Breastfeeding
- Attachment & positioning of baby for breastfeeding
- Hunger cues /sucking patterns/problem patterns
- Expressing (and storage of breast milk)
- Caring for your baby in hospital, routines and services
- Normal infant behaviour
- Sleep, Feed, Quiet time and Settling
- How to settle your baby
- Becoming a Family
- Relationship changes
- Postnatal depression
- Community resources