North Shore Private Sleep Laboratory
We are pleased to announce the establishment of a new state-of-the-art Sleep Laboratory Service at North Shore Private Hospital to facilitate the investigation of your patients with suspected sleep disorders.
We are now able to offer a direct referral system for sleep studies at the new sleep laboratory. This will allow more rapid diagnosis and treatment for patients who have private health insurance.
Sleep complaints are a major issue in primary care and specialist practice, and it is increasingly being recognised that structural problems with the conventional model of specialist practice can result in a delay in diagnosis and management. For patients with a high pre-test probability of Obstructive Sleep Apnoea, based on a structured clinical evaluation, direct referral for a sleep study followed by a specialist consultation is a more efficient, valid, and cost-effective clinical pathway. Our network of sleep physicians can provide efficient follow-up and advice about the most appropriate form of treatment.
We are confident that this development will enhance our ability to serve this clinical need with respect to the investigation and management of patients with sleep complaints.
In order for Health Care Professionals to take advantage of the direct referral process, please print the downloadable Sleep Study Referral Form from the link on this page, or complete the Sleep Laboratory Referral Pad request form and fax it to us on 02 8425 3194.
North Shore Private Sleep Laboratory
Short Stay Unit, Level 1
North Shore Private Hospital
3 Westbourne St
Phone Number: 02 8425 3713
Fax Number: 02 8425 3194
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